Fleezzy - Zero Waste PDF Sewing Pattern

Fleezzy is a timeless zero waste PDF jumpsuit pattern that is easy to sew, easy to put on and easy to adapt to your own style.
All you need to know to successfully work with this zero waste sewing pattern is to make some simple stitches using the sewing machine - the rest we will teach you in the 32 pages of detailed illustrated sewing instructions. It will be like one of our classes, but in a PDF!
The pattern includes:
- easy pattern drafting instructions;
- easy pattern adjustment instructions;
- a printable PDF in A4 format (if you don't have a printer you can also trace the pattern using a fast & easy method developed by us);
- 32 pages of detailed sewing instructions with pictures for every step and every technique.
By sewing this pattern you will learn:
- how to take basic body measurements;
- how to plan a zero waste sewing pattern;
- how to make simple adjustments to a pants pattern;
- how to sew a simple pant;
- how to finish the edges of the fabric using techniques useful in all your future projects;
- how to work with elastic bands;
- how to nicely and easily finish curved edges;
- how to make a patch pocket;
- how to sew an elegant finishing on a rounded corner, useful in making necklines and hems;
- how to sew belt loops;
- how to make a belt;
- many other techniques to help you in creating your future pieces.
This is a DIGITAL product. Please leave your email at checkout, so we can send you the pattern and the sewing instructions.